October 1, 2008

i (haveneverbeento) ny

voila, my fall wardrobe.
sumptuous furs, greys, blood red nails and lips, complete with badass extras. these clothes embody the tough grunge chic i adore. albeit a bit fantastical (my meager budget won't allow for splurges such as those killer chanel heels), it still remains as the inspiration for my autumnal garb.
all i've got to do is add my omnipresent ripped nylons and circle my peepers with slate liner and i'm all set for the season of crispy leaves and pumpkin spice lattes.


Chantelle said...

WOOO!! J'aime ça! it's all so awesome!

Meghan and Lana said...

This is all so perfect!

A. said...

perfection to a tee.

gosh, i do love the way you write.

im so happy its finally fall.

& leigh in those chanels? todiefor!


ps, for blood stained lips try macs lip pencil in nightmoth - its my favourite.

roxanne said...

spot on. love it all.

Nature Graffiti said...

absolute perfection
i would wear ALL of this :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely. And mmm mmm pumpkin spice lattes!