October 10, 2008

yohji yamamoto, i'm hanging with the locals

mes petits cadeaux.
i received my package full of harajuku lovers goodies the other day. and by full, i mean overflowing with cute trinkets (charm bracelet, cosmetic bag) and an insane amount of perfume samples. the fragrance bottle i got was baby, which i love, but my favourite would have to be music. i'm so pleased with the size of the bottles we got - i was expecting something much smaller - and by the looks of it these products should last me quite some time.
also, an honourable mention for the harajuku lovers cosmetic bag, totally cute & kitchy as are all of gwen's products. the picture doesn't really do it justice, as it's probably twice the size you're envisioning it is right now.
matchstick really did spoil me !

cute, right ? it makes me smile.
anyways, if you read this & want to know more about the offer, visit the facebook group dedicated to it - http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=24867077169 - or take the the survey to tell them what you think of the product at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=AKExmizGfIj_2fFjBIV6lqDw_3d_3d.



Nature Graffiti said...

i so have to get in on this!

Imelda said...

Looks really cute!

Anonymous said...

Gosh this is so cute!