September 26, 2008

rode into the ghostly night

total cool girl: jamie winstone.

those pictures alone are enough to speculate that she will soon be the hit of london-town. and her constant use of opaque tights and crimson lips only cement that idea. she is the hybrid of a rocker chick and a sweet fifties pinup. throw in a little bit of unique doll-like features, frocks you want to shimmy in and ever-changing hairstyles, and you've got a young maden that could just as well be hiding out in a cavernous music venue or stomping straight through the glitz and glamour of hollywood blvd.
bring it, baby.


Lauren said...

wowo she seems really cool! ive never heard of her...

roxanne said...

whoa, stunning. her style is impeccable.

Nature Graffiti said...

thank you for the lovely comment!!
i just added you to my links :)


Raych said...

She is CUTE!

JuliaFuentes said...

woww love her style