April 23, 2008

drank gin & watched the news.

it's earth week -

so go buy some organic crap.

courtesy of american apparel.

& while you're at it - reduce, reuse, recycle.



Secretista said...

Yay Earth Week!<33

LBIC said...

I need to start recycling more, i'm bad at it. That should be my quarter year resolution.

Isabel said...

Hehe, "reduce, reuse, recycle". What a NOVEL idea! people don't seem to get that you're supposed to do them in that order. I mean, you don't have to worry about recycling when you don't buy overpackaged products that you don't need!

Anonymous said...

:] :] :]
i love earth week and i love this post.

hannah said...

go earth week! im loving the little baby. so cute. i must start recylcing.