November 2, 2008

seven hours since you ran away

there are many things in this world that are beautiful: sunsets, the streets of paris, hayden christensen ... and the many gems available at net-a-porter.
amongst them, my two favourites right now, which have, in reality, been dancing around my head for a lengthy period: stella mccartney undergarments & anything christian louboutin dreams up.

come to think of it, christian louboutin doesn't really count as something i'm in love with, because it's basically a given that any sane person would kill to have those red-soled masterpieces adorning their feet, only because the collection includes everything from perfected classics to hooker heels to well-constructed platform heels.
the stella bralets are another story. their beautiful sheer, innocent fabric exhudes comfort. i can picture it now: a long-haired girl lounging in a room full of books, sipping black tea and of course, wearing stella's nightie. who wouldn't want to be that girl ?

better yet, who wouldn't want to be that girl, in a paris apartment with the bright sun setting in the backdrop, hayden by her side flipping through the morning's paper ? thought so.



rebelle zine said...

fave two things
stella under garments and christian louboutins

rebelle zine said...

fave two things
stella under garments and christian louboutins

leeselooks said...

i think we share the same heart.

i have been lusting after that top right Stella piece for --- ah forever.

i even have it in my "virtual" cart... awaiting the virtual click.
but ah. i think i either need some sense kicked into me...or some persuasion.

it's perfection.


thanks for your wonderful comment.
it was the sweetest one.


hannah-rose said...

there is so much that is perfect about this post, you're beautiful stella pics that would look fabulous in my fabulous (dream) wardrobe, the amazing louboutins (especially the purple ones), paris, sunsets, net-a-porter...
but i have to tell the truth...

you had me at hayden.